Download Videos from twitter using telegram bot

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I normally don't like to download whole app just to do a simple thing, I tried to download a video from twitter first thing came in my mind is telegram, because there is a bot for everything, well i found one and it was unreliable. So i said let me make my own!.

Twitter API

The first problem came in my way is twitter api, to use it you must have developer account and to be honest i've applied because i have many ideas for twitter, but i got rejected and i haven't try again. I tried to find another way and luckily i found this repository it use indirect way to access the api and it work like a charm.


deploying a telegram bot was always a problem from me since it need to run always on a server (this before i discover the perfect situation to use webhooks), recently i activated my google cloud account and now i can try the power of serverless functions!. So the structure of the project is Http-triggered cloud function which act as webhook for the bot, every time the bot receive a message the function called.


Here is the link to the repository you can find all technical stuff there. And here is the bot if you want to try .