Bulk Rename, my first npm package

I was a windows guy for a long time, when i moved to linux i am not gonna lie i missed some applications from windows, one of them is a bulk rename application i used to download a lot of anime and series to match them with subtitles i need to rename all of them it hard to do manually but the app was a live saver. when i moved to linux i couldn't fine an good alternative, so i've decided to make my own. it's a basic cli made with nodejs.
npm i -g bulk-rename-node
bulk-rename --help
bulk-rename <cmd> [args]
bulk-rename list List files in current directory
bulk-rename replace Replace substring with another string
bulk-rename delete Delete substring from filename
bulk-rename insert Insert substring into filename
--version Show version number [boolean]
--ext Extension of files to work on [string] [default: "all"]
--help Show help
comments and pull request are welcomed